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Thine pearl golf ゴルフ専用ジュエリー ゴルフアクセサリー パール アコヤ真珠 18金 k18

Pearl "72" Pierce by Thine

Earrings with 72, Par, set within the pearl. Goldsmiths hand-polished the numbers individually, to round the gold as the shape of the pearl to reduce snagging in the hair and other parts of the body.

Material: Japanese Akoya pearl (7-7.5 mm), K18, surgical stainless steel.(SUS316L)

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"NEW Product"

Felicity pierce by Thine

Felicity pierce by Thine

Thine introduces ‘FELICITY,’ a pearl pierced earring for everyday wear.

The jewellery is made of highly durable freshwater pearls and features Thine's signature catch, which is resistant to removal even when exercising.

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Thine Logo

Thine Logo Cotton CAP - Stone Blue
Thine Logo Cotton CAP - Stone Blue

Thine Logo Cotton CAP - Stone Blue



Thine Logo Cotton CAP - Smoky Sakura
Thine Logo Cotton CAP - Smoky Sakura

Thine Logo Cotton CAP - Smoky Sakura



Thine Logo Cotton CAP - British Green
Thine Logo Cotton CAP - British Green

Thine Logo Cotton CAP - British Green



Thine Logo Golf Ball Marker
Thine Logo Golf Ball Marker

Thine Logo Golf Ball Marker



The Authentics

Pearl "72" Pierce by Thine
Thine pearl golf ゴルフ専用ジュエリー ゴルフアクセサリー パール アコヤ真珠 18金 k18

Pearl "72" Pierce by Thine



Thine Gift Bag & Card Set
プレゼントやギフトに ゴルフ専用ピアス Thine パー72 アコヤ真珠 高品質 18金 k18 japan akoya pearl

Thine Gift Bag & Card Set



Lapel Pin / Jacket Pin; Semi-ordermade
Lapel Pin / Jacket Pin; Semi-ordermade

Lapel Pin / Jacket Pin; Semi-ordermade



Pearl "99" Pierce by Thine
100切りのお祝いに ゴルフ専用ピアス Thine パー72 アコヤ真珠 高品質 18金 k18 japan akoya pearl ゴルフアクセサリー

Pearl "99" Pierce by Thine

